Monday, June 29, 2015

The World is a Colorful Place

Flora Bowley

I've so enjoyed Bebe Butler's wonderful offering - The Painted Guru: Discover how art can heal the heart, inspire the soul, and soothe the mind. The conversations with a variety of artists about their journey, what creating art has meant to them, and the places where art brought healing or new possibilities into their own lives are so inspiring. So much of what they are talking about is what brought me to art journaling in the first place - a place to play, to explore, to create freely. But also a place to dig deeper, and find meaning, and work through things. A chance to express myself in a new way, in a more natural way for me. Through images when there are no words, or the interplay of words and images.

Flora Bowley was one of the first artists profiled, and I just love her work.  I'd never heard of "intuitive painting" - which may be more a reflection of how out of touch I am! It's something that I love about art journaling, and I've loved learning and exploring and seeing what others are doing in that form. But to see it taken to this level artistically amazes me, and I could watch it all day. Even more, it makes me want to get out the paints and play!

Untold Stories

There's something about choosing some colors and just starting - maybe with a vague direction, maybe without even that - and just seeing where it leads that is so much fun. And so often it leads me places where I would never have thought to go. 

The Painted Guru is a series of conversations, about 25-30 minutes each, with the artist, one each day. The artist's page also includes an introduction, a link to their website, and a free gift. There's a wide range of gifts - right now I'm painting with the amazing Art from the Heart retreat gifted by the amazing Amber Kuileimailani Bonnici. Here, too, I have come across classes like this for art journaling - but this is on a canvas, which makes it more special. And in a way, more scary as the stakes seem higher. But she is a gentle and friendly guide as she encourages me to dig deeper and take risks.

What it comes down to is - there is so much more out there! It's easy sometimes to stay in our own little rut of what we know. I love visions of the wider world of possibilities, and that's one of the things The Painted Guru provides. Another is the opportunity to hear from people doing wonderful creative things - whether they started out in art school or just started doing art because it's something they needed in their lives.

If you're feeling stuck, don't stay there! Open your eyes to inspiration - it's all around you.



This week's challenge over at Digital Whisper is "barefoot" - great summertime theme! There's something about summer that calls for exploring the world barefoot. The photo is of my niece walking the rocks along the shores of Lake Superior at Gooseberry Falls State Park - one of my favorite summertime things to do when I was her age. (OK, still is!)

Image Credits: Images by Pink Lotty, Nancy Baumiller- Crowabout Studio, and Jagged Touch Studio, all from

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Songs of Summer

Songs of Summer

Summertime… and the living is easy.

The theme this week over at Digital Whisper is "picnic" - a perfect summertime theme. I think I need to go take a walk in the woods somewhere!

Image Credits: Marta van Eck, itKuPiLLi Imaginarium, Eena's Creations and Tumble Fish Studios, all from

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Along the Beach

Along the Beach

The challenge over at Digital Whisper this week is "Watercolor."

The watercolor is a little watercolor sketch I did at an art group when another artist, Cheryl Barr, offered the opportunity to try some of her watercolor paper. I've thought of going back and working some more on it, but I love the freshness of it. The scan actually brought out the colors a lot more, the original is much more delicate.

It reminds me of how much I loved walking along the beach in North Carolina, the freshness of it and the expansiveness of the ocean.

Image Credits: Rucola Designs, Finecrafted Designs, and Tumble Fish Studios (all from; background from Lost and Taken and the Graphics Fairy.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Take A Word Challenge - Beauty


Image credits: itKuPiLLi Imaginarium's Halo and Les Femmes Depoque collections, from

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Take a Word Challenge - Timepieces

The challenge this week over at Take a Word is Timepieces. I must say that this is how I've felt the last several weeks!

Crazy Time

Image credits: Rucola Designs and Holliewood Studio from Mischief Circus, and the Graphics Fairy.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Just Having Fun

Spent an evening playing with itKuPiLLi Imaginarium's Variete United Collection, which I hadn't had a chance to really play around with before. And, yes, it was while I was downloading some more digital images purchased from Mischief Circus – it's an addiction I can live with.

I spent a lot of time playing around with layer blending styles, with some really interesting results.

 Eternal Beauty

This brought together so many things that I really do think are beautiful - wonderful art and architecture. A lot of classic beauty blended together in a really interesting way.

Beauty is Eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
Khalil Gibran

And now for something completely different:

Image Credits:
Both collages done with images from itKuPiLLi Imaginarium's Variete United from

Digital Whisper Challenges - Venus and Sheet Music

Last week's challenge over at Digital Whisper was "Venus" - I haven't done it for a while, at least until recently (see below), and am rather behind the times - but I had some fun with this.

Venus Rising

The week before the challenge was "Sheet Music." I actually had this ready that week, but didn't get it posted. 

Paris Love

Image Credits:
Venus Rising - Woman from Victorian Art Collection. All other images from Eena's Creations at mischief

Paris Love - Images from itKuPiLLi Imaginarium, Marta Van Eck, and Tumble Fish Studios, all from mischief