Saturday, December 12, 2015


What shall I say!
How shall I describe this Birth to you?
For this wonder fills me with astonishment.

The Ancient of Days has become an infant.
He who sits on the sublime and heavenly throne,
now lies in a manger.
And He who cannot be touched…
now lies subject to the hands of people…

God is now on earth,  and man in heaven;
on every side all things commingle.

~ John Chrysostrom

Image Credits; itKuPiLLi Imaginarium ( and Google Images.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Preserved in Memory - DW challenge

Preserved in Memory

This week's challenge over at Digital Whisper is "Frost" - appropriate for this time of year, though it's been beautiful here in Minnesota. 

It's been a while since I've done any digital challenges, but with Christmas coming and some new Wintery and Christmassy kits, I'm getting into the holiday mood and itching to play!

Image Credits: Winter Tales United collection by itKuPiLLi Imaginarium (