Thursday, March 5, 2015

Digital Whisper Challenge - The Number 5

Bohemian Circus

The challenge over at Digital Whisper this week is "The Number 5" - which was quite a challenge for me! Not the way I usually think, it didn't give much of a clue what to do. I loved looking at the different responses and the amazing and various things people came up with!

So, having no ideas, this started at they so often do - with the wonderful background paper by itKuPiLLi Imaginarium. And it grew up from there, as the strolling players gathered together. 

Image credits: itKuPiLLi Imaginarium, Tumble Fish Studio and Rucola Designs - all from


  1. Looks like they are having fun! :-)

  2. Inspiratio comes as you wrote to me, too.
    Fun and beatiful collage.

  3. I am happy you participated in my challenge and though a challenge for you, it got your creative juices flowing and it turned out perfectly. Thanks for playing :)
