Sunday, March 29, 2015

Take a Word - Blue and White

Celebrate Yourself

Image credits: Krysty Scrap Designs, Rucola Designs, itKuPiLLi Imaginarium (all from Mischief Circus); Art Freebies, and the Graphics Fairy. Quotation found on Pinterest.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Take Me Deeper - Feb Wk 3 - Love Your Neighbor

Over at His Kingdom Come, continuing with the theme for February, Love, this week it's "Love your neighbor."

A new command I give you:
Love one another.
As I have loved you, 
so must you love one another.
By this everyone will know
that you are my disciples,
if you love one another.
~ John 13:34-35

What really struck me about this verse is the timing of it. This was at the Last Supper. Jesus was speaking to his disciples – the ones he knew very shortly would betray him, deny him, abandon him. "As I have loved you..."

Judas had left by this time, but he was there earlier when Jesus washed the disciples' feet. Which means Jesus washed Judas' feet as well. The man who he knew would betray him. Whose actions would lead to Jesus being beaten, being humiliated, being crucified. "As I have loved you.."

It's easy to love people in the abstract. It's easy to love those you like and get along with. But those who have hurt you, disagreed with you, teased you - that's a lot harder. Sometimes it's not even that – just the ordinary, the unattractive, the ones easily overlooked. I fail there constantly, yet it's amazing how often God brings the lesson home to me. So many times people I haven't thought much about, or who seem to have nothing in common with me, have been people who have helped me, or given me good advice, or become friends. It's such an amazing blessing.

I read the IVP commentary on this passage at BibleGateway, and it talked about Jesus' washing the disciple's feet. It brings up the point that Jesus was aware of his identity as God, and it was because of his identity as God that he washed their feet. He only does what he sees the Father do. 
"This is what God himself is like – he washes feet, even the feet of the one who will betray him! Thus the foot washing is a true sign... for it's a revelation of God."
             ~IVP Commentary
The serving heart of God. And that's where we go if we want to be like him, to do what we see him do. "Love one another. As I have loved you, so must you love one another."

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Take a Word - Green


The challenge this week at Take a Word is "Green." This came a long way from where it started. I love it when the story starts to emerge!

Image Credits:
From Mischief circus: itKuPiLLi Imaginarium, Marta van Eck, Eena's Creations, Holliewood Studios
From Victorian collection: Ophelia (J.W. Waterhouse), The Painter's Honeymoon (F. Leighton)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Digital Whisper Challenge - Teapots

So, you want tea or what?

The theme this week over at Digital Whisper is "teapots." So I started with the teapot by Marta van Eck and a wonderful background by Eena's Creations. Our heroine is certainly the one who belongs in the picture, but she doesn't seem very thrilled by the idea of serving tea in her little bohemian paradise.

Image credits: Eenas Creations, Marta van Eck, itKuPiLLi Imaginarium (all from Mischief Circus), and Digital Whisper.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Take Me Deeper 2015 - February Weeks 1 & 2 Love

God's Love For Us; Our Love for God

The theme for February over at His Kingdom Come is Love. Week one's theme is God's Love, week two is Love God. For me, the two weeks went together - Receiving God's love for us, and then responding to that love and loving Him. 

So I felt the journal pages would go together as well.

I was wishing I had taken more photos of the pages as they grew, as it came together bit by bit. All I knew in the beginning was the colors were purple and red. I loved the splashes of white, and the red streaks coming down from above.

Receive His Love

The verse for Week One: God's Love is John 3:16 -

For God so loved the world
that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life.
~ John 3:16

A familiar verse. And, as so often happens, reading it in a different translation brings new meaning to this and the following verses. Personalizing it, it was so powerful it blew me away, and I knew that was really all there was to say:

For God so greatly loved and dearly prized me
that He even gave up his only begotten (unique) Son,
so that if I believe in Him
(trust in, cling to, rely on Him)
I shall not perish
(come to destruction, be lost)
but have eternal (everlasting) life.

For God did not send the Son into the world
in order to judge me
(to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on me),
but that I might find salvation
and be made safe and sound
through Him.

If I believe in Him
(cling to, trust in, rely on Him)
I am not judged
[if I trust in Him I never come up for judgement;
for me there is no rejection, no condemnation –
I incur no damnation]…

John 3:16-18a (Amplified), personalized

I love this, I think I need to put it where I can see it always. The amplified version seems to make it so much more real, more concrete. And even though it is "the world" it is each one of us personally as well. For each one of us, God so greatly loved and dearly prized us that He sent His Son to save us, to make us "safe and sound through Him."

"He loves each one of us,
as if there were only one of us."
~ St. Augustine

It's hard to take it in, hard to believe it's true - it seems to wonderful to be true. And so the challenge is always to receive His great love. One that probably will continue for all of our lives and into eternity.

"Believe in Him" can seem rather abstract as well - what does that really mean? To know that I can cling to Him in my darkest hours, the hardest situations. To know that I can rely on His strength in my weakness, His wisdom when I don't know what to do. To trust that He knows, and He understands, and He loves me, and He wants what is best for me - no matter what others think, no  matter what I think. And that it's OK to come to Him, to cling to Him. That we can rely on Him. That He is trustworthy, and always there for us.

Respond to His Love

Thinking about such a great love, how can we help but respond. The verse for Week 2: Love God is Matthew 22:37 -

Love the Lord your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your mind.
~Matthew 22:37

I know what I think of when I hear heart and soul and mind, but I was curious about what it would have meant to the people hearing it for the first time, the people Jesus was speaking to. How would they have heard it, have understood it? So I did some research in the Revell Bible Dictionary and Strong's Concordance (there are newer editions, this is the one I had on hand).

Heart (kardia) is defined by The Revell Bible Dictionary as "the true inner self." It goes on to explain: "In Hebrew thought, the heart was the center of each person's being and intellect. It is with the heart that a man feels, perceives, and makes moral choices. It is also with the heart that one seeks and responds to God." The heart is central, it is the essence of who we are.

Soul (psyche) comes from the word meaning "breath," the spirit. According to Revell, the soul is "the essential self, the distinct identity of the person." It can also be used in referring to the individual person - as in a report that a ship was lost with all souls aboard. I'm not really clear on the difference between heart and soul. To me heart seems to the inner being - our thoughts, feelings, values. Soul, perhaps, refers to the person as an individual, including each person's uniqueness in gifts and talents and personality.

Mind (dianoia) is defined by Strong's Concordance as "deep thought, properly the faculty (mind or its disposition), by implication its exercise: - imagination, mind, understanding." Sometimes we read "mind" and think of reason or intellect. It is that, but I love the inclusion of imagination and understanding. 

I loved the idea of responding to His love. So often I try - I try so hard. And there's nothing wrong with trying, but it becomes striving. We strive to make ourselves better, to be perfect - to be what we think He wants us to be. And it's such a burden. 

Maybe it's simpler than that:

"Come to Me,
all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened,
and I will cause you to rest.
[I will ease and  relieve and refresh your souls.]

Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me,
for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart,
and you will find rest
(relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet)
for your souls.

For My yoke is wholesome
(useful, good –not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing,
but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant),
and My burden is light
and easy to be borne."

~Jesus of Nazareth
Matthew 11:28-30 (Amplified)

Ah, now there is a challenge for me. Because I tend to think it should be hard, that I should labor, and I easily become overburdened and overwhelmed. But Jesus paints a different picture. Come to Him, learn of Him, spend time with Him. And He will "cause me to rest" - (and sometimes, I admit, it's against my will!). 

Spend time with Him - in prayer, in praise, in worship. Learn of Him - through the Bible, through teaching, through the experiences of those who have gone before. Rest in Him - spend time in His presence; soak in His light, His love, His forgiveness. Allow Him to transform your mind, renew your spirit.

And Bloom.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Take a Word Challenge - Spring

Dreaming of Spring

This week's challenge over at Take a Word is Spring. And I've been dreaming of spring for a long time. Admittedly here in Minnesota there's not so much snow at the moment, but it's March so we'll no doubt be getting more. And for all those snowed in on the east coast and elsewhere - keep dreaming of spring!

Image credits: Marta van Eck, Altered Emporium, Eenas Creations (all from Mischief Circus), and The Graphics Fairy.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Digital Whisper Challenge - The Number 5

Bohemian Circus

The challenge over at Digital Whisper this week is "The Number 5" - which was quite a challenge for me! Not the way I usually think, it didn't give much of a clue what to do. I loved looking at the different responses and the amazing and various things people came up with!

So, having no ideas, this started at they so often do - with the wonderful background paper by itKuPiLLi Imaginarium. And it grew up from there, as the strolling players gathered together. 

Image credits: itKuPiLLi Imaginarium, Tumble Fish Studio and Rucola Designs - all from

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Take a Word - Feathered Friends

Exotic Collections

This week's challenge over at Take a Word is "Feathered Friends." I knew immediately I wanted to use this little fellow, though I didn't know where he belonged. He fit right into the niche, and the collection grew up around him! 

Image credits: itKuPiLLi Imaginarium, Holliewood Studios, Krysty Scrap Designs (the bird!) and Eenas Creations (the wonderful background!) all from