Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas

Bid our peace increase,
Thou that madest morn;
Bid oppression cease;
Bid the night be peace;
Bid the day be born.

~ Algernon Charles Swinburne

A Merry Christmas to all. At each new year, Christ comes again into the world. Let Him be born anew in our hearts bringing His peace, His light, His life.

Blessings to all this Christmas.

Images from Lost & Taken, and from Holliewood Studios, Marta van Eck, itKuPiLLi Imaginarium, Tumble Fish Studio and Hidden Vintage Studios available at Mischief Circus.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry and Bright - Digital Whisper Santa challenge

The Digital Whisper challenge this week is Santa. This started out for the Take a Word challenge of "Red and Green" and didn't feature Santa. But he kinda snuck in and took over, and who am I to argue?

The images are from Lost & Taken, the Graphic Fairy, and Tumble Fish Studio and Marta van Eck from Mischief Circus.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Winter Shadow - Digital Whisper Challenge

Winter Shadow

I've been thinking it would be fun to try out some digital collage challenges, such as the wonderful Take a Word challenge. I started out working on the current word, "Winter" - but it veered in another direction, and now fits better with the "Gypsy Soul" challenge over on Digital Whisper

This has already gone off in two different directions, still trying to wrangle it back to the "Winter" theme. We'll see if I can keep it on track another time.

Images used from the Graphics Fairy, Eena's Creations, Marta van Eck, Rucola Designs, itKuPiLLi Imaginarium, and Holliewood (most from